Monday, September 9, 2013

What's the Craic?!

Many of you might have seen a comment left by someone in a previous post that read, “How’s the crack?” Now, many Americans might misinterpret this so I want to explain exactly what this person meant. Craic is an old Gaelic word that is used in everyday Irish conversation. Although it can be used in a variety of ways, it basically means “news,” “fun” or “gossip.” For example, last night Lorraine asked Noel, “Any craic on Facebook this weekend?” What she meant was, anything interesting going on? Another way it is used is at pubs. Often you’ll see a sign that says “Music & Craic,” which means Music & Fun. So for the few who might have thought I came to Ireland to do crack, I do apologize for the misunderstanding.
This weekend was very laid back. I went into Castlebar, which is about 15 minutes away from the village that I am staying in. I shopped a little & got to know the area. Upon arriving back home, Grandma Kathleen & Grandpa Gerry had come to stay for the night from County Sligo (about an hour away). For those who don’t know, Ireland is split up by county, almost small “states” within Ireland. I’m learning that each county has their own accent. Well, I quickly discovered that Grandpa Gerry was quite difficult to understand. I felt incredibly rude as I kept saying, “I’m sorry, what was that?” Not only do the Irish have their own words & phrases but many also speak VERY fast! But by Sunday evening, Grandpa Gerry & I were conversing without my rude interruptions. Grandma Kathleen made some homemade Irish soda bread & boy was it delicious. I think I might have eaten over half the loaf. The food that Noel & Lorraine make is AMAZING! I plan to write an entire post about the glorious food here in Ireland.  
Well so far today I have taught myself how to iron, got stuck in a rain storm with over a mile left in my run & attempted to talk to the painter who is at the house (he is also difficult to understand!). Time to go fetch the kids from school. Cheers!


  1. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I'm so happy for you. The host family sounds great, seems like they have made you part of the family. Love hearing all your escapades. Love you, gram

    1. Thanks Gram! I'm so happy you are following along. More exciting posts to come once I start exploring soon :)

  2. Great post Hannah. We're wondering if you will come back with an irish accent. How did the ironing go? Love you!!
